Published a short story in the 2016 UEA Undergradute Anthology
I submitted a short story to the University of East Anglia’s 2016 undergraduate anthology, Undertow, during my first year at university. It was selected and published. The short story, titled "Excerpts", compiles sections from the diary of a young woman who is feeling dissatisfied with life and unable to react to a tragedy that unfolds before her.
Excerpt from "Excerpts"
"Sunday 5th April, 2015
I have to say, I agree with TS Eliot. April is the cruelest month. In just its first week I’m already waiting for it to end. On April 1st I emerged from the store to find my bike had been spray-painted neon yellow. I considered checking the security cameras to see who had done it but I figured it wasn’t worth the hassle. Katy from the store says I should press charges. Whatever."