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Published a short story in the 2017 UEA Undergradute Anthology

I submitted a short story to the University of East Anglia’s 2017 undergraduate anthology, Underline, during my second year at university. It was selected and published. The short story, titled "The Evening Report Reads", explores the point of a view of a husband and wife as a sex scandal disrupts her run for presidency.

Excerpt from "The Evening Report Reads"

"Richard poured the boiling water into the French press. He stirred the brown sediment until it was all a uniform color and pushed down on the lid. The coffee settled slowly in his mug. He added three sugars before returning to the sofa, where his open laptop—WHAT TO DO IF YOUR SPOUSE IS GAY, SIMPLE GUIDELINES FOR A COMPLEX TRUTH—blinked up at him. He took a sip. The room had a very distinct ‘hotel’ smell, a combination of high-intensity cleaning liquid and stale bread, which when mixed with the scent of off-brand coffee reminded him of the morning before a flight."


© 2020 Shannon Lewis

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